Achieving Your Goals in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide


PSA: You don’t have to start planning & achieving your goals on January 1st.

We are a few months into the year, and it may feel like it’s too late to start on the goals you intended to start on January 1st. Or, you may be reading this in December or January, and you feel like you have to have your goals decided and planned out already for this next year.

A gentle remember that you can start your goals any day, any time. Whether it’s January, February, or any month of the year, there’s always room for growth and change!

So, grab a seat, maybe a cup of coffee, and let’s dive into how you can set, plan, and achieve your goals all year round.

Reflection and Setting Your Intentions

At the heart of my goal-setting method lies reflection and intention setting. This step is all about looking back on the past year, celebrating wins, learning from challenges, and envisioning where I want to go next.

I use journal prompts to guide this introspection, asking myself questions like:

  • What am I proud of accomplishing last year?
  • What hurdles did I face, and what did they teach me?
  • How do I want to feel in the coming year?
  • What does success look like for me?

One of my favorite exercises is creating a “best year yet” list – a list of the top 10 things that if I achieved, I’d have my best year ever. Having these aspirations front and center keeps you motivated and focused throughout the year as you work towards achieving your goals.

Choosing a Word of the Year

Once I’m done reflecting, I pick a word or phrase to guide me through the year. Whether it’s “growth,” “balance,” or “adventure,” this word acts as my North Star, reminding me of the mindset I want to cultivate. Take some time to think about a word of the year that will remind you of what you to accomplish.

Getting Specific: Planning in Quarters

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of planning. I’m all about structure, which is why I love quarterly planning, also known as the 12-week year. Here’s my process:

Thinking About Your Big Vision

I start by revisiting my big-picture vision for my life – my dreams, values, and major milestones. Revisiting your big vision is like zooming out on Google Maps to see the entire route you’re planning to take. It’s about connecting with your deepest desires and understanding what truly matters to you. Take some time to reflect on your dreams, values, and the major milestones you want to achieve. This sets the foundation for everything else in your goal-setting journey.

Rating and Journaling on Your Life Areas

Then, I break down this vision into different areas of my life – career, relationships, health, you name it. Once you have a clear picture of your big vision, it’s time to break it down into bite-sized pieces. Think about the various areas of your life that are important to you – career, relationships, health, personal growth, and more. By focusing on each of these areas individually, you can ensure that your goals are well-rounded and aligned with your overall vision for a fulfilling life.

Reviewing Your Last Quarter (Your Last 12 Weeks)

Every 12 weeks, I take stock of my progress and adjust course if needed. Regular check-ins are super important to staying on track with your goals. Every 12 weeks, set aside some time to review your progress and assess how things are going. Celebrate your wins, acknowledge any setbacks, and adjust your course as needed. This ongoing evaluation ensures that you’re always moving in the right direction and staying true to your vision.

Setting Up Your 12-Week Goals

Based on my big vision and my last 12 weeks, I pick a few of priority areas within my Life Areas to focus on and set 1-3 specific, measurable goals. Choose goals that align with your big vision, but something small enough that can be accomplished in 12 weeks. This may mean that you need to break your big vision down into smaller, bite-sized goals. Whether it’s landing your dream job, improving your health, or strengthening your relationships, make sure your goals are clear, achievable, and meaningful to you.

An important note is to only focus on no more than 1-3 goals at a time. When our attention is pulled to too many things, it is harder to make forward progress. The beauty of planning goals in 12-week sprints is that you can get super focused on your goals for the 12 weeks, and then adjust as necessary in the future. With a specific goal focus, this will get you closer to achieving your goals and closer to your dream life.

Setting Up Actionable & Repeatable Steps

Next, I break these goals into actionable steps with clear timelines. Goals are great, but without a plan of action, they’re just wishes. Break down each of your goals into actionable steps with clear timelines and deadlines. What do you need to do to achieve your goals, and by when? By outlining the specific actions you need to take, you’ll be much more likely to stay focused and motivated along the way.

Implementing Your Goals Into Your Daily Life

Finally, I integrate these goals into my daily life and stay accountable. Take your goals and your action plan and introduce them into your daily life. Schedule time in your calendar for working towards your goals, and hold yourself accountable for taking consistent action. Remember, progress happens one step at a time, so stay committed and keep moving forward!


My approach to goal setting and achieving your goals? Dream big and get specific. Start with reflection, choose a guiding word, and break down your goals into manageable steps.

This method has worked wonders for me, and I’m confident it can do the same for you. So, whether you’re reading this in January or July, let’s make this year your year of growth and fulfillment!

Free Goal Planning PDF Sheets

Ready to get started? Download your free printable 12-week goal setting worksheets and let’s make those dreams a reality.


Here’s to an amazing year ahead! If you need any help along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out. Cheers to your success!

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